Sunday, 17 March 2013

Motivational March #3 : Love your body ♡

Whaddup beauties!
One of my friends the other day made a comment about how thigh gaps are "disgusting", this made me a little frustrated because not all people can help that they have a thigh gap. I went on to tell her a little something I had learnt from following fitness blogs for so long; "some people's hips are built in such a way that they are far apart and therefore they naturally have a thigh gap, others have hips that are built quite close and therefore they have not got a thigh gap and never will be able to have a thigh gap". My friend went on to not only ignore me, but say "yeah, but it's still disgusting". This mini conversation made me think, her mind was moulded to believe thigh gaps were disgusting and that made me feel sorry for her. People need to open their eyes and do a little research on the topic they wish to go against before they state their opinions!

Photo found on Google

What I wanted to discuss on today's lovely Motivational March was how to love your body, the way it is and not the way the media/society wants you to mould it to. I think that yes, if you need to lose weight for medical reasons or you yourself know you are overweight and want a lifestyle change for the better then I am totally behind you and really proud of your decision. However, if you are already the average weight for someone your age and you don't really need to lose weight for medical reasons and a lifestyle change then I am still here for you but I am going to try to motivate you to not break yourself down but rather bring yourself up and your thoughts turned to more positive lights. Obviously the "pro-ana" blogs I see quite often make me feel a little bit angry because they're promoting being unhealthy and sickly thin. Women, especially teenage girls are the prominent focus when it comes to being thin and eating disorders but I don't think, I know that people forget that teenage boys and men can be affected by the whole issue as well.

You need to be motivated to either lose that weight that you really need to lose or put on weight that you really need to, whether it be toning up your body or not; you need to remember and keep in mind that your health is your highest priority and I CANNOT stress that enough. I strongly go against diets, I believe if you're going to change something about your food intake, it should be a lifestyle change. You need to keep strong no matter what you're doing, keep that smile on your face even when you are so low but also don't forget to talk to people and SHOW emotions, don't hold back but try and make your smile the most frequent thing on your face.

What is your journey to loving your body? Recovery? Losing weight? Toning up?
Love you guys
Au Revoir!

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