Tuesday, 5 February 2013


Whaddup beauties!
SO! Interested in detoxing your insides, cleaning out the system and becoming a cleaner/healthier gal/guy? LISTEN UP!
Juicing not only holds benefits for your insides but it has benefits for the outsides. Once you begin juicing you will be cleaning out your system with good old liquid gold (or otherwise known as really healthy veggies and fruits). 
Now, I haven't been juicing for super long but I have already begun to see the AH-mazing benefits! My number one reason for loving the juices I make is that I know what is in it and also that when I drink it, I can feel it trickling down into me and I feel good knowing that it isn't soft drink or alcohol. 
There's really nothing to it guys. All you realllllly need is your fav fruits and veggies and most importantly, a juicer. You don't need a fancy schmancy $400 juicer, any kind will do the job! DO NOT let the colour or smell turn you away, don't be scared off, it's amazing let me tell you. Even if it doesn't taste nice at first, remember, it's a new thing you're trying and your insides will LOVE you and then show it by rewarding you with a calm mood, healthier system and glowing skin. 

So all in all, grab some fruits and veggies and chug down on a homemade juice instead of soft drinks, energy drinks or alcohol. You WILL be rewarded :)
(My juice contains: mandarin, carrots, spinach, apple, blueberries and peach!
ALSO is a bonus picture on my body progress - I am not aiming to lose weight but tone up)

Au Revoir!

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